Ayurveda belongs to the category of alternative directions, that is, alternative medicine, although for India, in which it was originated, the Ayurvedic Diagnostics is considered to be traditional. Treatment as per its laws is interested by that fact it is directed not at a separate organ, system of organs or body part but for the whole body. Perhaps that is why partly Ayurveda is becoming increasingly popular nowadays: its aim is restoring of inner balance, harmony of physical and psychological powers which we often lose in the chaos of modern life.
Ayurveda treatment in India is always prescribed individually, in order to best correspond to the needs and requirements of each individual patient. Only natural means are used as medicines: several thousand medicinal plants, purified ghee, and numerous Indian spices. To improve a patient’s health state also special steam room, many kinds of massage and the row of specific procedures (navarakizhi, vasthi, pizhichil, nasyam, tarpanam and many others) can be used.
Proper nutrition is an important part of Ayurveda
As it was noticed earlier, the aim of this kind of alternative medicine is to restore stable balance in a person’s body. It is considered that people are exposed to various diseases due to the negative impact of many features of modern life. Among them one of the most important factors providing a proper state of each patient is food. Moreover: this is a factor that you are able to change for the better on your own.
Food system as per Ayurveda is totally not vegetarianism and a strict diet. In fact, it includes several different diet options, depending on the characteristics of a person:
- For slim and lissome people who bear cold weather bad and come to life with spring arrival it is recommended to use different cereals, soups based on meat broth, meat dishes themselves, milk and dairy products. Fruits and vegetables in the diet of such people should not prevail.
It is only some main nuances connected with food. A more accurate and specific diet for each person, as mentioned above, is selected individually.
What represents diagnostics as per tongue condition?
Obviously, even before treating the patient’s health problems with the methods listed above and formulating a diet suitable for him, it is necessary to perform a qualitative and detailed diagnosis of his condition. Establshing diagnosis in alternative medicine is carried out by different ways including based on tongue condition.
The tongue helps us perceive the taste, temperature, structure of food entering our body. We speak with its help with people through words, express our thoughts and pass our opinion. It is not surprising that its condition can tell a lot about the state of our body as a whole. The size of a tongue, its color, uniformity of this color distribution, presence and absence of tongue fur and many other things will be obvious signals for expert people about problems in a certain body part.
Ayurvedic diagnostics as a way to find the cause of the imbalance
Ayurvedic diagnostics implies studying of all that is subject to sensorial perception. Accordingly, there are several most popular diagnostic methods:
Pulse. The doctor put three fingers of his hand in three points of the radial artery, because, according to the teachings of Ayurveda, this is the way to assess the condition of all three doshas. Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) represent three original biological vital forces that are responsible for different functions performing in a person body, for his character and body structure also. According to the pulse that will be felt in each of the three points, the doctor will be able to determine the degree of influence of each dosha on the current state of the patient.
As per nails and hair. Oddly enough, the nail plate and person hair can say a lot about the condition of almost all of his internal organs (in any case, for Ayurvedic doctor). Thus, for example, yellow nails tell about liver diseases, mamelons on the ends of nails require paying closer attention at lungs diseases. Hair loss can be associated with diseases of the reproductive system, and the change in their color – with frequent stress.
As per face. All the folds, lines, wrinkles, swelling, turgidity, redness and blanching of the skin appear on our face is not just. Control for a person’s organs allowed to Ayurvedic specialists to find out clear connection between inner patient’s state and specific features of his face.
As per tongue. The Ayurvedic methodology of tongue survey is based on the assumption that each of its areas is responsible for the state of a particular organ, and these areas are correlated with each other in the same way as the organs themselves correspond to each other inside the human body. In other words, part at the tip of the tongue is responsible for right lung, part at the left – for left lung, at the center and a little bit further – for heart. Next the areas of the stomach, pancreas, intestines, liver, spleen, kidneys are located.
How is Ayurvedic diagnostics based on tongue carried out?
Ayurvedic diagnostics on the state of the tongue can say a lot to someone who can read information about the state of things inside the patient’s body. For example, curved central line will tell us about possible deformation of vertebras. If the patient has a tongue fur, then he obviously has an excess of toxins in the stomach and small intestine (if fur is located in the middle part of the tongue) or in the large intestine (if it is in the back of the tongue).
If at the root of the tongue its surface is bleached on the ride or left sides it means the patient has problems with kidneys. A faded color or swelling in the center of its front part indicates a heart problem. Unhealthy bluish tongue color will tell about problems with cardiovascular system. If, on the contrary, it is distinguished by a yellowish tinge, then the patient should pay close attention to his liver and gallbladder.
All this is several examples how diagnostics in Ayurveda promotes receiving serious conclusions from minor for an ordinary person things.