Panchakarma in India, prices for Panchakarma in Ayurveda centerPanchakarma in India, prices for Panchakarma in Ayurveda centerPanchakarma in India, prices for Panchakarma in Ayurveda centerPanchakarma in India, prices for Panchakarma in Ayurveda center

Discover your paradise

Authentic Panchakarma in India

Book now!find clinic

Panchakarma is the most ancient Indian
body cleansing & detox method, passed the test of time

If you buy a short health-restoring tour for a good price, an expert Ayurvedic doctor will perform a treatment course, which will help to:

  • Restore your immunity
  • Provide relief for your lymphatic system
  • Restore the microflora of gastrointestinal tract
  • Normalize liver, kidneys, thyroid gland and pancreas functions
  • Lose weight and get rid of up to 7 kg (15,5 pounds) of poisonous and fatty masses.
  • Get rid of mucous, parasites and fecal bolus
  • Improve digestion

Leave a request
and we will call you back

    I am accept User agreement and Privacy policy

    We recommend
    an average course of 21 days

    Starting from $1575 the price depends on a clinic your choice accommodation type

    about passing Panchakarma
    in India

    send question
    Панчакарма в Индии, отзыв, цена и результат лечения


    • Accommodation in a cozy double room, (bathroom attached)
    • Doctor`s consultation and supervision
    • Individual treatment course + medicaments
    • Airport transfer (both ways)
    • Wireless Internet
    • Interpreter (if required), phone or online (Skype) support from the management during the whole course
    • Yoga classes*

    * Not available at some clinics, please inquire separately

    Does not include:

    • Visa and tickets charges**

    * – our partners can help with visa and tickets

    Receive a health-improving course of authentic Panchakarma best price

    14 days

    from $1120

    Book now!

    21 day

    from $1575

    Book now!

    28 days

    from $1932

    Book now!

    Appropriate climate

    Most appropriate climate, mild, warm and sunny. A natural, oceanside picturesque scenery, contributes a 50% of healing effect to the body and soul.

    Authentic medicines

    All medicines used for Authentic Panchakarma are produced from genuine medical herbs, nurtured in an ecologically clean environment under pure blue sky, untouched by modern civilization!

    Observing the methodology of treatment

    Authentic Panchakarma is not only body detox and cleaning, but a special treatment, which includes proper diet. In this way the effect is maximized: lasts longer and becomes more powerful.

    Quality of service

    The atmosphere at the clinics we invite you to is saturated with care, harmony and peace. These are core priorities for our experienced team member, enriched with years of doing panchakarma.

    How panchakarma works

    курс панчакармы в индии

    A Path to purity open

    To get purified from the slags, which prevent us from experiencing nature`s true tastes, it is necessary to prepare the mind for a certain austerity, since we do not offer SPA-Panchakarma. We offer traditional, Authentic Panchakarma done by expert hereditary Ayurvedic doctors. Ayurveda — the “Science of Long Life” is the most ancient medicine in clemency.

    панчакарма тур в индию

    How does it work, the secret open

    The treatment is done with oils infused with herbs. You will be literally “bathed” in oils. Medical oils are prepared according to ancient recipes, which reached our time from more than 5000 years ago. Each contains from 25 to 50 active vegetable components, rarely used in modern medical drugs.

    панчакарма в индии

    Traditional methods open

    In certain cases the treatments are a little unpleasant, for example, some people don`t like drinking clarified butter or ghee (to prepare the body for purification).
    Another example is an emetic procedure called “Vamana”.
    Although, after experiencing this treatment once, you will feel extraordinary lightness and freshness in the body, so naturally you will desire to repeat it again and again in the years to come.
    After this powerful internal treatment your body becomes, literally, like of a baby.

    These are the principal procedures of Authentic Panchakarma:

    Stomach cleansing

    It`s an emetic procedure, which gets rid of toxins and mucous, accumulated in the stomach.

    Cleaning of a small intestine (Virechhana)

    This treatment is done with oil and herbal powders

    Cleaning of a large intestine (Sneha vasti and Kashaya vasti)

    This is a course of enemas with herbal decoction and oils

    Cleaning of maxillary sinuses, respiratory tract and cervical spine (Nasyam)

    For this purpose Herbal oils are applied through the nose


    Quality of medicines, doctor`s qualification, and a clinic, where you will receive the treatments.


    You have to stay in the clinic where you receive Panchakarma, or in a few minutes walking distance. Your room has to be convenient with attached bathroom, in a calm and quiet place.

    Hereditary Ayurvedic doctors

    It is best if the Doctors are hereditary Ayurvedic doctors, ideally from a Vaidya caste (Ayurvedic doctors).


    In due time you have to be provided with a preparations according to your personal diet. Sometimes, it is not the case, since some clinics prepare food according to the general standards, although offering an option for a personal diet. Such diet also facilitates the treatment and increases efficiency.

    Doctor assistants

    he doctor or his assistants have to visit you daily and observe changes in your condition, check your pulse and blood pressure, adjusting the treatment accordingly. Very often doctors do not visit their patients after first appointment, but it is extremely important!


    It`s a rule of Ayurveda: a doctor who is treating you has to prepare all medicines. Unfortunately, in India there are dishonest doctors, who sell improper or overdue medicines for the sake of saving a few dollars.

    Panchakarma tour to India
    price in Kerala and Karnataka

    It is well known that Kerala is a motherland of Ayurveda. The Lord himself assumed form of Dhanvantari and descended to Earth, Kerala to give nectar of immortality to the people. Doctors carefully pass this knowledge to their descendants along with their invaluable experience.

    Kerala and Karnataka share it`s history and have practically identical languages. Both appeared approximately at the same time, about 2 million years ago. Karnataka clinics are usually offering the same quality as in Kerala. The price for Panchakarma in Kerala is often higher because of a flood of tourists.

    There are practically no contraindications, except for such individual cases as:

    • Pregnancy
    • The menstrual period
    • Venerable or infantile age
    • Several severe diseases

    If that`s the case the Doctor changes a course of standard treatment and replaces it with absolutely safe, and at the same time effective procedures, according to your personal requirements.

    If that`s the case the Doctor changes a course of standard treatment and replaces it with absolutely safe, and at the same time effective procedures, according to your personal requirements. This treatment and body detox stops aging process, rejuvenates and restores functions of body organs and cells. General psycho-emotional state of the person is improved.

    According to Ayurveda, during this course of a natural detoxication body releases the surplus of the unnecessarily biological elements, and thus human mind and intelligence are purified.This enables a person to abandon his or her harmful habits such as alcohol and tobacco consumption. A natural tendency for early wake-ups appears, along with a taste for fitness exercises, yoga and pranayama.

    India, Panchakarma, Ayurveda… Your life enters a qualitatively new stage, attracting new association in India, USA and Europe, helps to develop new interests and changes you a into a positive thinker!

    Аюрведическая клиника и центр Панчакармы Дхатри

    Каямкулам, Керала
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Аюрведическая клиника и центр Панчакармы Дхатри – одна из лучших в Керале.…
    from ₹ 4254

    Оздоровительный Аюрведический центр на термальных источниках

    Россия, п. Мостовской
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Приглашаем вас пройти оздоровительные программы на основе Аюрведы на термальных источниках в…
    from 58 200 ₽

    Аюрведическая клиника Амаль Тамара

    Алаппужа, Керала
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Амаль Тамара – расположена в Алаппуже, более известной как Алеппи (Восточная Венеция),…
    from ₹ 18757

    Sitaram Beach Retreat

    Таликулам, Керала
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Расположенный на берегу Аравийского моря, Sitaram Beach Retreat является местом для получения…
    from € 187

    Аюрведическая клиника Йогасудха

    Пиннакканаду, Керала
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Аюрведическая клиника Йогасудха была открыта в 2018 году как расширение “Ведасудхи”. Она…
    from € 129

    Somatheeram Ayurvedic Health Resort

    Човара, Керала
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Somatheeram Ayurvedic Health Resort, занимает одно из первых мест среди аюрведических спа-клиник…
    from € 155

    SWAN Yoga Retreat

    Гоа, Индия
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. SWAN Yoga Retreat считается одним из лучших йога-ретритов расположенных в Северном Гоа,…
    from ₹ 8661

    Спа-курорт Vedic Village

    Индия, Калькутта
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Спа-курорт Vedic Village — это скрытая жемчужина, расположенная на лоне природы всего…
    from ₹ 7999

    Chandravilla Ayurveda Resort

    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Курорт Chandravilla Ayurveda основан в сентябре 2016 года и находится на юго-западе…
    from € 68

    Курортный отель Muthumuni Ayurveda River

    Берувала, Шри-Ланка
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Курортный отель Muthumuni Ayurveda River с видом на реку Бентота расположен в…
    from 152 $

    Вилла Lotus

    Ахунгалла, Шри-Ланка
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Вилла Lotus расположена под тенистыми кокосовыми пальмами на длинной полосе пляжа прямо…
    from € 161

    Курортный отель Muthumuni Ayurveda Beach

    Берувела, Шри-Ланка
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Курортный отель Muthumuni Ayurveda Beach находится всего в 90 км от международного…
    from 152 $

    Аюрведический оздоровительный центр Шанти Макаан

    Джонк Сваргашрам, Ришикеш
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Холистический аюрведический оздоровительный центр Шанти Макаан (Дом мира), расположенный в деревне Джонк,…
    from 100 $

    Аюрведическая клиника Ведасудха

    Коттаям, Керала
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Аюрведическая клиника Ведасудха, открытая в 2009 году, расположена в небольшой красивой деревне…
    from € 129

    АюрСома - королевский аюрведический ретрит

    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Аюрсома – роскошный отель-ретрит на берегу моря, в котором каждый элемент дышит…
    from € 192

    Центр аюрведы и йоги «Камала»

    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Специализированная аюрведическая клиника «Камала» работает с 2011 года: в первое время –…
    from ₽ 500

    Центр Здоровья и Аюрведы Бад Киссинген

    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Бад-Киссинген – аутентичная индийская аюрведа в Германии. Бад-Киссинген уединенное место, пропитанное магией…
    from € 242

    Оздоровительный центр доктора Бонда

    Краснодарский край, пос. Мостовской
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Оздоровительный центр доктора Бонда приглашает на прохождение оздоровительных программ в экологически чистое…
    from ₽ 8075

    Карнусти Аюрведический и Оздоровительный Курорт

    Марарикулам, Керала
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Аюрведический и оздоровительный курорт Карнусти является отмеченным наградами местом отдыха на берегу…
    from ₹ 23750

    Идеал Аюрведик Резорт

    Човара, Керала
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Добро пожаловать в Идеал Аюрведик Резорт, лучший аюрведический курорт в Тривандруме, штат…
    from € 78

    Ayurveda in Turtle on the Beach Resort

    Ковалам, Керала
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Этот удивительный 5-звездочный пляжный комплекс, несомненно, является лучшим местом для получения опыта…
    from € 174

    Malika Ayurveda Beach Resort

    Варкала, Керала
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Центр расположен на вершине скалы высотой 45 метров и имеет пляжный фасад…
    from € 76

    Ayurveda in Nagarjuna Center

    Калади, Керала
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Nagarjun Ayurvedic Center (NAC), Нагарджуна Аюрведический Центр (НАЦ) – одно из крупных…
    from $ 95

    Ayurveda and Yoga in Ananda Center

    Уттаракханд, Ришикеш
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Центр “Ананда” расположен в спокойных предгорьях Гималаев, рядом с городами Харидвар и…
    from $ 520

    Travancore Heritage

    Човара, Керала
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Travancore Heritage – это курорт у моря с территорией в 15 акров…
    from € 145

    Ayurveda in ANHC

    Калангут, Гоа
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Клиника ANHC в Гоа – полноценный Аюрведический Лечебный Центр с проживанием для…
    from $ 124

    Ayurveda in Soma Palmshore Beach Resort

    Ковалам, Керала
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Идеальный курорт для пляжного отдыха, Soma Palmshore имеет все необходимое, чтобы расслабиться,…
    from € 86

    Soukya Holistic Center - Center of Health and Ayurveda

    Бангалор, Карнатака
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Соукья – это международный центр целостного здоровья доктора Матхая Исаак, расположенный в…
    from $ 356

    Ayurvedic centre Dhimahi Nilimangalam

    Коттаям, Керала
    A new Ayurvedic centre Dhimahi-Nilimangalam is a branch of Ayurvedic clinic Atreya that is famous its professional medical stuff and…
    from ₹3638

    Bethsaida Hermitage Ayurvedic Resort

    Ковалам, Керала
    The Bethsaida Hermitage is very popular and over the past few years has repeatedly been awarded prizes and certificates confirming…
    from € 137

    Rajah Eco Beach Ayurveda Hospital

    Гуруваюр, Керала
    Rajah Eco Beach Ayurvedic clinic, opened in January 2018. Is located on the shore of the Arabian Sea, near the…
    from $ 77

    Ayurveda Bhavan Clinic

    Ayurveda Bhavan Clinic is located in North part of India at the root of The Himalayas, in the sacred city…
    from $ 135

    Rajah Island Clinic

    Гуруваюр, Керала
    The Rajah Island Clinic is a part of the Rajah Ayurveda clinic chain. It is located on a beautiful picturesque…
    from $ 77

    Rajah Healthy Acres

    Куттанад, Керала
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian and German. Аюрведическая клиника «Раджа Хелси Экрс» (Rajah Healthy Acres) расположена на…
    from $ 66

    Center of Ayurvedic Medicine and Yogatherapy Atreya

    Коттаям, Керала
    Ayurvedic medical center Atreya Ayurveda is the place for recovering both your mind and your body. Combining traditional methods with state-of-the-art advanced…
    from $ 115

    Kalari Rasayana Ayurvedic Clinic

    Коллам, Керала
    Kalari Rasayana clinic is located on the shores of Lake Paravur, where recovery of the body and spirit takes place…
    from € 457

    Kalari Kovelakom Ayurveda Palace

    Палаккад, Керала
    Kalari Kovilakom is an ancient Palace in the Vengunad Kingdom, located in Kerala state. Presently the Palace is transformed into…
    from € 426


    Ayurveda center «IndRa» is located at Zdrava Dacha in Kungurka village, 40 km from Ekaterinburg, in the heart of Ural…
    from ₽ 9785

    Somatheeram Ayurveda Village Resort

    Човара, Керала
    Somatheeram clinic opened in 1985 year and became the first Ayurvedic centre in the world where resort atmosphere reigns. It…
    from € 102

    Manaltheeram Ayurveda Beach Resort 1

    Човара, Керала
    Manaltheeram is an Ayurvedic clinic run by the same company that in 1985 founded the world’s first Ayurvedic resort –…
    from € 102

    Rajah Beach Ayurvedic Resort

    Гуруваюр, Керала
    Located on the beach, Rajah Beach Ayurvedic resort offers a perfect combination of price, comfort and quality of treatment.  The…
    from $ 147

    Ayurveda in Dr.Franklin's Clinic

    Коттукал, Керала
    Dr. Franklin’s clinic appeared in 1997 year. Its founder from childhood was familiar with Ayurveda practices and eventually found that he…
    from € 81

    Ayurveda in AVYUKTA

    The center of Ayurveda and Yoga «Avyukta» is located in North India, in the Rishikesh city, in the foothills of…
    from $ 126

    Vidalaya Family Clinic

    Дхарешвара, Карнатака
    Vidyalaya family clinic – its Ayurvedic center near the city of Gokarna (State of Karnataka, South India). You will receive…
    from $ 60

    Discover your paradise

    Authentic Panchakarma in India

    Book now!find clinic

    Panchakarma is the most ancient Indian
    body cleansing & detox method, passed the test of time

    If you buy a short health-restoring tour for a good price, an expert Ayurvedic doctor will perform a treatment course, which will help to:

    • Restore your immunity
    • Provide relief for your lymphatic system
    • Restore the microflora of gastrointestinal tract
    • Normalize liver, kidneys, thyroid gland and pancreas functions
    • Lose weight and get rid of up to 7 kg (15,5 pounds) of poisonous and fatty masses.
    • Get rid of mucous, parasites and fecal bolus
    • Improve digestion

    Leave a request
    and we will call you back

      I am accept User agreement and Privacy policy

      We recommend
      an average course of 21 days

      Starting from $1575 the price depends on a clinic your choice accommodation type

      about passing Panchakarma
      in India

      send question
      Панчакарма в Индии, отзыв, цена и результат лечения


      • Accommodation in a cozy double room, (bathroom attached)
      • Doctor`s consultation and supervision
      • Individual treatment course + medicaments
      • Airport transfer (both ways)
      • Wireless Internet
      • Interpreter (if required), phone or online (Skype) support from the management during the whole course
      • Yoga classes*

      * Not available at some clinics, please inquire separately

      Does not include:

      • Visa and tickets charges**

      * – our partners can help with visa and tickets

      Receive a health-improving course of authentic Panchakarma best price

      14 days

      from $1120

      Book now!

      21 day

      from $1575

      Book now!

      28 days

      from $1932

      Book now!

      Appropriate climate

      Most appropriate climate, mild, warm and sunny. A natural, oceanside picturesque scenery, contributes a 50% of healing effect to the body and soul.

      Authentic medicines

      All medicines used for Authentic Panchakarma are produced from genuine medical herbs, nurtured in an ecologically clean environment under pure blue sky, untouched by modern civilization!

      Observing the methodology of treatment

      Authentic Panchakarma is not only body detox and cleaning, but a special treatment, which includes proper diet. In this way the effect is maximized: lasts longer and becomes more powerful.

      Quality of service

      The atmosphere at the clinics we invite you to is saturated with care, harmony and peace. These are core priorities for our experienced team member, enriched with years of doing panchakarma.

      How panchakarma works

      курс панчакармы в индии

      A Path to purity open

      To get purified from the slags, which prevent us from experiencing nature`s true tastes, it is necessary to prepare the mind for a certain austerity, since we do not offer SPA-Panchakarma. We offer traditional, Authentic Panchakarma done by expert hereditary Ayurvedic doctors. Ayurveda — the “Science of Long Life” is the most ancient medicine in clemency.

      панчакарма тур в индию

      How does it work, the secret open

      The treatment is done with oils infused with herbs. You will be literally “bathed” in oils. Medical oils are prepared according to ancient recipes, which reached our time from more than 5000 years ago. Each contains from 25 to 50 active vegetable components, rarely used in modern medical drugs.

      панчакарма в индии

      Traditional methods open

      In certain cases the treatments are a little unpleasant, for example, some people don`t like drinking clarified butter or ghee (to prepare the body for purification).
      Another example is an emetic procedure called “Vamana”.
      Although, after experiencing this treatment once, you will feel extraordinary lightness and freshness in the body, so naturally you will desire to repeat it again and again in the years to come.
      After this powerful internal treatment your body becomes, literally, like of a baby.

      These are the principal procedures of Authentic Panchakarma:

      Stomach cleansing

      It`s an emetic procedure, which gets rid of toxins and mucous, accumulated in the stomach.

      Cleaning of a small intestine (Virechhana)

      This treatment is done with oil and herbal powders

      Cleaning of a large intestine (Sneha vasti and Kashaya vasti)

      This is a course of enemas with herbal decoction and oils

      Cleaning of maxillary sinuses, respiratory tract and cervical spine (Nasyam)

      For this purpose Herbal oils are applied through the nose


      Quality of medicines, doctor`s qualification, and a clinic, where you will receive the treatments.


      You have to stay in the clinic where you receive Panchakarma, or in a few minutes walking distance. Your room has to be convenient with attached bathroom, in a calm and quiet place.

      Hereditary Ayurvedic doctors

      It is best if the Doctors are hereditary Ayurvedic doctors, ideally from a Vaidya caste (Ayurvedic doctors).


      In due time you have to be provided with a preparations according to your personal diet. Sometimes, it is not the case, since some clinics prepare food according to the general standards, although offering an option for a personal diet. Such diet also facilitates the treatment and increases efficiency.

      Doctor assistants

      he doctor or his assistants have to visit you daily and observe changes in your condition, check your pulse and blood pressure, adjusting the treatment accordingly. Very often doctors do not visit their patients after first appointment, but it is extremely important!


      It`s a rule of Ayurveda: a doctor who is treating you has to prepare all medicines. Unfortunately, in India there are dishonest doctors, who sell improper or overdue medicines for the sake of saving a few dollars.

      Panchakarma tour to India
      price in Kerala and Karnataka

      It is well known that Kerala is a motherland of Ayurveda. The Lord himself assumed form of Dhanvantari and descended to Earth, Kerala to give nectar of immortality to the people. Doctors carefully pass this knowledge to their descendants along with their invaluable experience.

      Kerala and Karnataka share it`s history and have practically identical languages. Both appeared approximately at the same time, about 2 million years ago. Karnataka clinics are usually offering the same quality as in Kerala. The price for Panchakarma in Kerala is often higher because of a flood of tourists.

      There are practically no contraindications, except for such individual cases as:

      • Pregnancy
      • The menstrual period
      • Venerable or infantile age
      • Several severe diseases

      If that`s the case the Doctor changes a course of standard treatment and replaces it with absolutely safe, and at the same time effective procedures, according to your personal requirements.

      If that`s the case the Doctor changes a course of standard treatment and replaces it with absolutely safe, and at the same time effective procedures, according to your personal requirements. This treatment and body detox stops aging process, rejuvenates and restores functions of body organs and cells. General psycho-emotional state of the person is improved.

      According to Ayurveda, during this course of a natural detoxication body releases the surplus of the unnecessarily biological elements, and thus human mind and intelligence are purified.This enables a person to abandon his or her harmful habits such as alcohol and tobacco consumption. A natural tendency for early wake-ups appears, along with a taste for fitness exercises, yoga and pranayama.

      India, Panchakarma, Ayurveda… Your life enters a qualitatively new stage, attracting new association in India, USA and Europe, helps to develop new interests and changes you a into a positive thinker!

      Аюрведическая клиника и центр Панчакармы Дхатри

      Каямкулам, Керала
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Аюрведическая клиника и центр Панчакармы Дхатри – одна из лучших в Керале.…
      from ₹ 4254

      Оздоровительный Аюрведический центр на термальных источниках

      Россия, п. Мостовской
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Приглашаем вас пройти оздоровительные программы на основе Аюрведы на термальных источниках в…
      from 58 200 ₽

      Аюрведическая клиника Амаль Тамара

      Алаппужа, Керала
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Амаль Тамара – расположена в Алаппуже, более известной как Алеппи (Восточная Венеция),…
      from ₹ 18757

      Sitaram Beach Retreat

      Таликулам, Керала
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Расположенный на берегу Аравийского моря, Sitaram Beach Retreat является местом для получения…
      from € 187

      Аюрведическая клиника Йогасудха

      Пиннакканаду, Керала
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Аюрведическая клиника Йогасудха была открыта в 2018 году как расширение “Ведасудхи”. Она…
      from € 129

      Somatheeram Ayurvedic Health Resort

      Човара, Керала
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Somatheeram Ayurvedic Health Resort, занимает одно из первых мест среди аюрведических спа-клиник…
      from € 155

      SWAN Yoga Retreat

      Гоа, Индия
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. SWAN Yoga Retreat считается одним из лучших йога-ретритов расположенных в Северном Гоа,…
      from ₹ 8661

      Спа-курорт Vedic Village

      Индия, Калькутта
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Спа-курорт Vedic Village — это скрытая жемчужина, расположенная на лоне природы всего…
      from ₹ 7999

      Chandravilla Ayurveda Resort

      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Курорт Chandravilla Ayurveda основан в сентябре 2016 года и находится на юго-западе…
      from € 68

      Курортный отель Muthumuni Ayurveda River

      Берувала, Шри-Ланка
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Курортный отель Muthumuni Ayurveda River с видом на реку Бентота расположен в…
      from 152 $

      Вилла Lotus

      Ахунгалла, Шри-Ланка
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Вилла Lotus расположена под тенистыми кокосовыми пальмами на длинной полосе пляжа прямо…
      from € 161

      Курортный отель Muthumuni Ayurveda Beach

      Берувела, Шри-Ланка
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Курортный отель Muthumuni Ayurveda Beach находится всего в 90 км от международного…
      from 152 $

      Аюрведический оздоровительный центр Шанти Макаан

      Джонк Сваргашрам, Ришикеш
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Холистический аюрведический оздоровительный центр Шанти Макаан (Дом мира), расположенный в деревне Джонк,…
      from 100 $

      Аюрведическая клиника Ведасудха

      Коттаям, Керала
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Аюрведическая клиника Ведасудха, открытая в 2009 году, расположена в небольшой красивой деревне…
      from € 129

      АюрСома - королевский аюрведический ретрит

      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Аюрсома – роскошный отель-ретрит на берегу моря, в котором каждый элемент дышит…
      from € 192

      Центр аюрведы и йоги «Камала»

      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Специализированная аюрведическая клиника «Камала» работает с 2011 года: в первое время –…
      from ₽ 500

      Центр Здоровья и Аюрведы Бад Киссинген

      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Бад-Киссинген – аутентичная индийская аюрведа в Германии. Бад-Киссинген уединенное место, пропитанное магией…
      from € 242

      Оздоровительный центр доктора Бонда

      Краснодарский край, пос. Мостовской
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Оздоровительный центр доктора Бонда приглашает на прохождение оздоровительных программ в экологически чистое…
      from ₽ 8075

      Карнусти Аюрведический и Оздоровительный Курорт

      Марарикулам, Керала
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Аюрведический и оздоровительный курорт Карнусти является отмеченным наградами местом отдыха на берегу…
      from ₹ 23750

      Идеал Аюрведик Резорт

      Човара, Керала
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Добро пожаловать в Идеал Аюрведик Резорт, лучший аюрведический курорт в Тривандруме, штат…
      from € 78

      Ayurveda in Turtle on the Beach Resort

      Ковалам, Керала
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Этот удивительный 5-звездочный пляжный комплекс, несомненно, является лучшим местом для получения опыта…
      from € 174

      Malika Ayurveda Beach Resort

      Варкала, Керала
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Центр расположен на вершине скалы высотой 45 метров и имеет пляжный фасад…
      from € 76

      Ayurveda in Nagarjuna Center

      Калади, Керала
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Nagarjun Ayurvedic Center (NAC), Нагарджуна Аюрведический Центр (НАЦ) – одно из крупных…
      from $ 95

      Ayurveda and Yoga in Ananda Center

      Уттаракханд, Ришикеш
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Центр “Ананда” расположен в спокойных предгорьях Гималаев, рядом с городами Харидвар и…
      from $ 520

      Travancore Heritage

      Човара, Керала
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Travancore Heritage – это курорт у моря с территорией в 15 акров…
      from € 145

      Ayurveda in ANHC

      Калангут, Гоа
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Клиника ANHC в Гоа – полноценный Аюрведический Лечебный Центр с проживанием для…
      from $ 124

      Ayurveda in Soma Palmshore Beach Resort

      Ковалам, Керала
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Идеальный курорт для пляжного отдыха, Soma Palmshore имеет все необходимое, чтобы расслабиться,…
      from € 86

      Soukya Holistic Center - Center of Health and Ayurveda

      Бангалор, Карнатака
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Соукья – это международный центр целостного здоровья доктора Матхая Исаак, расположенный в…
      from $ 356

      Ayurvedic centre Dhimahi Nilimangalam

      Коттаям, Керала
      A new Ayurvedic centre Dhimahi-Nilimangalam is a branch of Ayurvedic clinic Atreya that is famous its professional medical stuff and…
      from ₹3638

      Bethsaida Hermitage Ayurvedic Resort

      Ковалам, Керала
      The Bethsaida Hermitage is very popular and over the past few years has repeatedly been awarded prizes and certificates confirming…
      from € 137

      Rajah Eco Beach Ayurveda Hospital

      Гуруваюр, Керала
      Rajah Eco Beach Ayurvedic clinic, opened in January 2018. Is located on the shore of the Arabian Sea, near the…
      from $ 77

      Ayurveda Bhavan Clinic

      Ayurveda Bhavan Clinic is located in North part of India at the root of The Himalayas, in the sacred city…
      from $ 135

      Rajah Island Clinic

      Гуруваюр, Керала
      The Rajah Island Clinic is a part of the Rajah Ayurveda clinic chain. It is located on a beautiful picturesque…
      from $ 77

      Rajah Healthy Acres

      Куттанад, Керала
      Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian and German. Аюрведическая клиника «Раджа Хелси Экрс» (Rajah Healthy Acres) расположена на…
      from $ 66

      Center of Ayurvedic Medicine and Yogatherapy Atreya

      Коттаям, Керала
      Ayurvedic medical center Atreya Ayurveda is the place for recovering both your mind and your body. Combining traditional methods with state-of-the-art advanced…
      from $ 115

      Kalari Rasayana Ayurvedic Clinic

      Коллам, Керала
      Kalari Rasayana clinic is located on the shores of Lake Paravur, where recovery of the body and spirit takes place…
      from € 457

      Kalari Kovelakom Ayurveda Palace

      Палаккад, Керала
      Kalari Kovilakom is an ancient Palace in the Vengunad Kingdom, located in Kerala state. Presently the Palace is transformed into…
      from € 426


      Ayurveda center «IndRa» is located at Zdrava Dacha in Kungurka village, 40 km from Ekaterinburg, in the heart of Ural…
      from ₽ 9785

      Somatheeram Ayurveda Village Resort

      Човара, Керала
      Somatheeram clinic opened in 1985 year and became the first Ayurvedic centre in the world where resort atmosphere reigns. It…
      from € 102

      Manaltheeram Ayurveda Beach Resort 1

      Човара, Керала
      Manaltheeram is an Ayurvedic clinic run by the same company that in 1985 founded the world’s first Ayurvedic resort –…
      from € 102

      Rajah Beach Ayurvedic Resort

      Гуруваюр, Керала
      Located on the beach, Rajah Beach Ayurvedic resort offers a perfect combination of price, comfort and quality of treatment.  The…
      from $ 147

      Ayurveda in Dr.Franklin's Clinic

      Коттукал, Керала
      Dr. Franklin’s clinic appeared in 1997 year. Its founder from childhood was familiar with Ayurveda practices and eventually found that he…
      from € 81

      Ayurveda in AVYUKTA

      The center of Ayurveda and Yoga «Avyukta» is located in North India, in the Rishikesh city, in the foothills of…
      from $ 126

      Vidalaya Family Clinic

      Дхарешвара, Карнатака
      Vidyalaya family clinic – its Ayurvedic center near the city of Gokarna (State of Karnataka, South India). You will receive…
      from $ 60