Туры в центры 🌸 йоги и аюрведы в Индии, отели йогатерапии, цены

Yoga practice in India

An aspiration for spiritual self-development and self-discovery brings people to the path of yoga practice. It is easier to master philosophy and religion of this trend close to its source. Yoga tour in India is a possibility to get acquainted with a centuries old tradition of mediation system, spiritual element and dynamic practice.

A Yoga tour from USA and EUROPE provides you with a unique possibility for self-development. Not only you will be able to make the new country, but be fully absorbed in studies of physical and spiritual health programs. If you want to receive knowledge from top yoga teachers, definitely you have to embark to India from USA and Europe.

Yoga tour to the country of recreation and relaxation

Yoga classes and study schedule is included into a tour from Europe and USA along with some free time and excursions. Classes are put in a way so you will have free time to yourself, recreation, and fascinating trips to exotic spots.  Yoga practice in India is performed in:

  • GOA

Depending on what revitalizing program will fit you better, you can chose different tours. Each trip has a full schedule of spiritual practices on the banks of the Indian ocean, near the mountain ridge, a tropical forest – all in unity and harmony with nature.

Yoga practice in India.

The course classes are taught by experienced teachers, sharing their vast experience in English language.

Yoga centers are located in secluded spots, where everyone will feel comfortable.

In order to choose flight and a tour program, please consult our managers. We will offer you best tours and affordable prices for yoga courses in India.